Works Slide Scanners Easily

Advisor: Before – and disadvantages of slide scanners fast slide scanner, film scanners are called light scanner, which digitize photographic slides. Due to the relatively small size of the slides, the slide must use a high resolution scanner so that the desired size on the computer image is editable. Slide scanner work with resolutions between 1,600 dots per inch and 7200 RPM, which is very high compared to regular flatbed scanners. The point resolution is surpassed only by drum scanners. But just as in the medical field the slide scanners have begun: instead of a slide is a fixture with the to-forming compound used in them and scanned.

To do this, open some manufacturers to separately developed accessories, however, can be such a holder may furthermore by using a double-walled glass slide framework improvise. Cheap slide scanners are designed as well as for the home, their low resolution of 1,600 is adequate to holiday slides into an image file to transform, which can be printed out qua photo. Work with high resolutions, however, slide scanner for professional use. You are in generally high-quality processed, offer hardware-side (and thus faster) error correction and start relating to prices from 750. In most cases, the errors are dirt, dust and hairs, which have placed on the surface of the slide. In addition to a manual cleaning error correction features can reliably recognize such blemish and also delete cost this back the details.

The most important technical information to assess a scanner is the density of the resolution (in dots / pixels per inch), color depth (between 24 and 48 bit), as well as this presence of certain hardwareseitiger error correction algorithms. Because the scanning times for high resolutions take very deep, which numbers specify now as assessments scanner relating to India. And care should be taken, that which used USB or FireWire port up to date is so quickly at the storage medium, transfer the image data can be. Most scanners can store three different image formats: this lossy JPG format: in this case the resulting image files are the smallest. What major drawback is that the compression at the expense of the quality already. This algorithm is lossy, so Deletes existing image information from the file, which are perceived to this eye does not at first glance. This image format is used mainly by slide scanners from the boarding area. This TIFF format: Here, the image files are already observabel (deprecated) larger. Although TIFF files although can be compressed (LZW compression), the content is not affected. The compression takes place on a purely mathematical basis in which information arrangement in which file. Therefore, the TIFF standard appreciated by professionals. Finally, there is still the RAW format. These are uncompressed files with the largest colour spectrum. For example, be for this eye as black noticeable areas divided into more color and brightness values, which remain invisible for this eye. Nevertheless just in the context of subsequent color space adjustments, non-visible patterns in the perceptible color spectrum can slip so that this format is used mainly by imaging professionals.