Flower Market

Amsterdam is a city that stands out for the infindad of tourist attractions that offers. All of them, one of the most beautiful, by colorful, is the flower market of Amsterdam city. It is very difficult to walk by the streets of the city without bumping into any post or flower market. The Amsterdam flower market, Bloemenmarkt, is located on the margin of the Singel canal, precisely between the Tower, Munttoren, Muntplein and Koningsplein. Bloemenmarkt is comprised of some twenty floating jobs. They are a series of barges which are moored to the shore of the channel. There are sold different types of plants, seeds and flowers; especially tulips that is the flower for excellence of the Netherlands.

A myriad of memories of extremely varied objects can also be achieved. History: Market dates back to the 18th century. It worked for the first time in 1862. From there was present in the lives of all Dutch, and, quickly, the tourism discovered that it was a favourite place to visit. The market was developed at high speed, that’s why today You can find there all kinds of plants and flowers, as cypresses and various plants from the Frisian Islands. It is currently a permanent market that represents an important Dutch commercial tradition directly related to the flora. Products: You can find with everything related to flowers; they can be fresh, dried, exotic or common.

Also are they displayed in place, bulbs of more than 700 kinds of tulips that preexist in the Netherlands. Great variety, including that of cannabis seeds (marketing for personal consumption is legal in the Netherlands). It is even a great place to buy a souvenir of trip, since it presents in their different jobs, different souvenirs, bouquets of tulips of beautiful colors, magnets, etc. There is no doubt that the floating flower market is an area to visit throughout the year. Hours: The market opens from Monday to Saturday from 9.00 to 17.00. On Sundays it is open from 11.00 to 17.30 hours. There are services of trams, with various schedules that provide the ability to reach and exit with frequency. The trams to access are: 1, 2 and 5 that arrive to stop Koningsplein. For its part, to stop Muntplein you must take trams 4, 9, 14,16, 24 and 25. You can read more information about this beautiful city in articles shopping in Amsterdam, where to eat in Amsterdam and moving around Amsterdam.