The Love

In this we know that we are in it, and it in us, therefore that gave in them of its Spirit. we saw, and we testify that the Father sent its Son for Salvador of the world. Any that to confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God is in it, and it in God. we know, and believe in the love that God has in them. God is love; who is in love is in God, and God in it.

In that is perfect the love it stops with us, so that in the day of the judgment let us have confidence; because, which it is, is we also in this world. In the love it does not have fear, before the perfect love launches except the fear; because the fear has I obtain the penalty, and what it fears he is not perfect in love. We love it because it loved in them first. If somebody says: I love the God, and hate its brother, am lying. Therefore who does not love its brother, which saw, as he can love the God, to who did not see? of it we have this order: that who loves the God, also loves its brother. (I Jo 4:7 – 21). The words of Joo in them bring a teaching of Jesus, who is absolutely basic, in such a way as soon as integrated the sunday conjunct, that one that must every day be repeated: Therefore, it will pray thus: Father ours, that you are in skies, santificado either your name; He comes your kingdom, either made your will, thus in the land as in the sky; The bread ours of each day in the ones of today; pardons us our debts, as well as us pardons our debtors; you do not induce in them to the temptation; but it exempts us of the evil; because yours it is kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever.

Axel Susen

Thus the rights holder can no longer oppose the resale of that copy. What is the first Senate of the Federal Court of Justice in the implementation of the European Court of Justice now judgment in German law? “Trial date: 17 July 2013 9:00 the presiding judge Joachim Bornkamm of the Federal Supreme Court in Karlsruhe has at the hearing clearly expressed, that the ECJ judgment was not up to his expectations: the European Court of Justice has set itself beyond the dogmatic of the Urhebergesetztes across.” The plaintive software maker Oracle seemed to have made the request according to that ECJ judgment not to accept and to request a new template. The Senate has pointed out expressly that the requirements of the European Court of justice are followed. Still, the lawyers admitted to the BGH could submit their pleas. In the discussion it became clear that the software manufacturer Oracle assumes with regard to a possible secondary exploitation of its software products not that economic compensation at the first sale was sufficient. This seemed to the judge but not to worry. The dispute between the software maker and used software vendor now meets more and more interest. The Hall was full, additional seating had to be created.

Other software makers watching closely, the procedure which explains the presence of lawyers of the SAP. Microsoft representatives were safe on the spot. The ARD had sent a television crew. Comment of Axel Susen, Managing Director of Anand, reports on his impressions. Even if it is visibly hard like the Senate, so I’m happy that the judges of the templates of the ECJ accept and assume. “” After the Senate nearly a year for the translation “of the ECJ judgment in the needed procedure, I was afraid that a loophole would offered the software manufacturer, to prevent the sale of used software.


In your house settled happiness small lump of life, bright-eyed, smiling wonder. Delight mom and dad, grandmother and grandfather hope, a constant theme of all conversations, the source of joy and at the same time the subject of worry and anxiety. He had just gulil, smiling or, conversely, sweet nozzles in the crib and now the whole house on their feet: to remain indifferent to the children's crying tears nevozmozhno.Dlya a baby so many reasons, so he tells parents that it is not okay and that it is concerned. Whether the temperature has risen, mosquito bitten, laid a spout, is haunted by an allergy or cough a little siren immediately notify parents. What should I do? On all sides you to roll in tips and tricks … Alas – most of them for a small child is not suitable for various reasons. But before you can get professional help the pediatrician, you need to relieve the baby. Calms colicky.

Colic – existent punishment for crumbs, and for his parents. The nervous system is still immature the infant, and therefore works neslazhenno. The result of this – spasms, cramps. Bowel flora populated, gradually increasing the amount of food, received by the baby. A cancer has not yet adapted to allocate the necessary amount of enzymes to process it, having a problem with discharge of feces. Dairy nutrition leads to increased foaming in for many hours, a large number of gases are produced. Trapped in the intestine, they cause painful bloating or flatulence. Listed troubles accompanied by the air that the baby swallows during feeding.

Keep in mind that the baby has to perform an unfamiliar task earlier, namely, to empty the bowels of the jeep and a chair. To cope with this not so easy. How to help your child? Often lay out the child in her tummy. Use time between feedings, the moments when changing a diaper crumbs.

Rhyming Stories Lydia Afanasiyevna Priluchnoy

Rhyming stories Lydia Afanasiyevna Priluchnoy lives in our area a wonderful woman – Lydia Afanasyevna Priluchnaya. In its 87 years it cheerful and do not lose optimism. Today I want to present to the readers it rhymed stories of life in which she reminisces about her childhood and lived years. Village Pakshenga, Belsky District, Arkhangelsk Oblast. Website village, here you can find many interesting and informative material about the life of our village. Village Pakshenga my Pakshenga – the village, but you can call the municipality. To remember 50 years ago: then all was not right.

Herds of cows, a horse neighing in the fields and horse-hand link on the meadows. And what fun, what fun – not describe everything in words! Then the youth and teens helped in the summer times. Hay harvested at Churge, on the field digging potatoes, turnips then removed and the cabbage cut down and taken it all in bins. And with linen how are you? He vomited and Grandma put. And then spread out under the dew and collect.

Bring, dried in the barn, to process and deliver. Jeffrey Hayzlett recognizes the significance of this. How many cases remake women's hands? No one can not count ever. Sometimes young people will laugh at the past, and in fact do impossible. We must remember the past time, one must know how difficult it is to them, but the field is always plowed. Oh, Polyushko, cute box! Look at you and feel sick. Today you are like in captivity, how long have all so overgrown? *** Lay, lay on the stove, here and far-fetched these words. All filled up with snow, the windows barely see the road. Oh, go in to such drifts, and – as a child, fall, and lie down. (And we remembered the eel, where once there was agreement with the girls.) Lie on your back, look around so head over heels ride down a hill. And then a whole bunch of guys – they really downhill lie. How much joy, laughter and jokes … But then again uphill crawl. Jokes, laughter, all women are like snow, no, do not understand this happiness now and give them molodezh.Sigaretu bottle of beer, just whip it out of his throat. Pleased to see it. Take a sled and skis let acne run on or in the pit. There would spoznat childhood or booklet to take. Read interesting stories to remember it for life, and then to tell their grandchildren, because old age and they will come. Will be planted on his knees vnuchonka and what to say? About a bottle of beer, pulled from her throat as il was smoking a cigarette? Childhood is only once, during his youth – too. Years will pass, not pass – fly. You're over the years are not going to come molozhe.I that hour, as I now have. So now comprehended his life. How are you, what you sing, what do you drink? Sit down and remember. Remember how you live.

Happiness and Truth

I am so only gray shade and of a past bitter taste that already does not exist more and of as many torments that already they had died. Others who may share this opinion include Diamonds. A freer force, even so still conditional, because not yet total it exempts, is truth, but much more bold and conscientious well of the chains that normally hinder in them to alar high flights. My sincere desire is that you also want to fly and can make it. That it knows to lose itself in the mysteries to meet. That it perceives the immense occult wisdom in a simple dawn.

All cold and dark night finishes hugs with it of the sun that always arrives offering, gratuitously, its light and heat. That it discovers as the night and the stars they are pretty and also as TO BE what you really need TO BE. You today need to be stronger what it yesterday obtained to be. tomorrow? It does not exempt of what it was today. after tomorrow, as today and the days that will be followed, does not matter what it happens of good or bad, if alone, is well or badly folloied, either so happy how much it could be. It has urgency in discovering which is the biggest happiness. to if obtaining have as to prove if its discovery was true: its sensation of happiness cannot be a joy any that passes with the time, quite to the contrary, must be eternalized at every moment. Next to this certainly he will be next to the Truth, invariant, infinite and perfect. When obtaining discovered so great knows to always keep this treasure beating burning hotly in the silence of the heart calm, far and protected of the racket of cruel, egoistic, cold, voracious and deceptive the world.

Seo & Sem

What Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet: “Is it worth living without being recognized? Being synonymous with existing. And to be today, even to highlight, you must appear on the Internet. Four years after Hamlet have arisen many media to be recognized, be present and be seen or heard. The latest technologies offer us Internet search engines, tools that locate our website and allow this to appear to the user’s screen through thousands of results. Even for businesses like hotels. SEM and SEO are different web positioning strategies that will enable us to make our product more competitive on the internet and win. This article aims to provide the best weapons to be seen in the competitive jungle of communication on the web. The users are clear: “If I buy something, you first consult the Internet.” It is the modern form of consumption. Statistics show that the average number of visits in all sectors is 3 out of 4 purchases and 91% of Internet users searching each time you enter network.

For its speed, convenience and versatility million citizens use every day worldwide. There are sectors that are not conceive the possibility of being in the market if your product is not displayed on the Internet. The computer screen is replacing the traditional desk where a phone line was engaged, was elected acquired a hotel or an airline ticket. Two formulas, SEM or SEO will allow us to reach consumers. Its best use will allow us to achieve our sales targets and disseminate our product in front of others.

EUR Hospice

PFALZKOM – MANET donates 3 x 1.000.-EUR to charities in the region together with customers. This is of course the local character in the foreground. Just the personal commitment of the volunteers often makes it possible at all the small but vital projects to press. Assistance for the needy in many cases would be impossible without the idealism of these people. Of course here lack the awareness and consequently also the financial resources are very low.

Reason enough, active around here to be thought the acting in the metropolitan region and Rhineland Palatinate telecommunications provider PFALZKOM MANET. Short hand in the framework of the action you would like we donate! “all customers urged to propose regional charities. In the second year, the response was even higher, making the selection of the many proposals isn’t easy. Of course the company has respected that the donations come directly to the needy to good and not to the part be used for administrative costs. There are numerous facilities that donate human warmth and do many good in our region. In particular the smaller local projects are often not as well known and have it particularly hard to be heard. Right here, we want to apply, and have asked for such local projects for our customers. For three proposals, we have donated EUR 1.000.-.”so Uwe Burre, financial director.

Several times proposed that children Hospice children Hospice star medals e.V.”in Speyer Dudenhofen. “The symbolic cheque of 1.000.-was presented at the 08.02.2010: children Hospice children Hospice star medals e.V.” The Mannheimer Fordeverein children Hospice Star-based e. V. is committed to the task to support who and terminally ill children and their families and to accompany their difficult way. With the stationary children’s Hospice opened last October in Dudenhofen, the Association offers an “oasis of relaxation and regeneration” to affected families. Anders in the Hospice facilities for adults, children’s Hospices offer not only the accompaniment in the last days of life as allow a regular refuelling families”often so debilitating everyday. Children with a life-limiting illness are lovingly recorded together with their parents and siblings in the children’s Hospice Sterntaler and cared for around the clock by highly competent Sisters of Star Valley and – keepers and maintained. Often, the parents of a sick child through the permanent availability and the experience, to be able to help your own child, limited are physically and psychologically completely exhausted. In the children’s Hospice Sterntaler you can, following all your needs, relax and here to regain new strength. Contact with other families is important and useful. The care of the siblings, who are alone with their concerns and issues, and their often unconscious fear of the brother or sister is also important. The existing since 2004 domestic nursing Sterntaler offers one the parents acutely or chronically ill preterm, disabled or terminally ill child’s professional nursing support, advice and guidance at home. In his familiar surroundings the little patient feels most comfortable and the separation pain can by prolonged or repeated hospitalizations are reduced or even avoided. The support of the child nurses and children’s nurses in the medical care and care of the sick child at home reduces the physical and mental strain of the whole family.

VOI Association

The DMS EXPO in Stuttgart, Germany from September 24 to 26 will take place this year. Bonn, September 20, 2013. Following companies are exhibiting at the partner stands of the VOI Association organisational and information systems (Hall 5, stand D51 or E62): AristFlow, specialist for workflow and BPM solutions, shows with the AristFlow BPM platform an easy-to-end framework for flexible workflow management and functions. Thus, agile process-oriented solutions can be realized quickly and seamlessly fit into existing applications such as ERP and ECM. Impressively demonstrated are the capabilities of the AristFlow BPM platform on AristInvoice, the lean solution for electronic invoice processing according to ZUGFeRD standard. Thanks to the workflow AristInvoice adjusted up easily and flexibly to company-specific processes. imagine the architects for information management by the B & L management consulting GmbH the new textbook to the incoming invoice processing. In this be legal requirements, organizational and technical capabilities, the benefits and the limitations described.

In addition, B & L presented market analysis to social business and to support Smartphones and Tablet PCs. Finally come the classic”topics, such as the provider and product selection or the development of a DMS/ECM strategy on the B & L stand not too short. “” Consultec is a product independent consulting company, in addition to a focus on ECM and DMS”the themes IT strategies” as well as IT security and IT compliance “covers. It carries out projects in SMEs, large enterprises and in the public sector. In the ECM / DMS environment Consultec is specialist for: input -, output – and document management, invoice processing, transaction processing, digital personnel file, design and optimization of workflow and revision security digital supported. A special task Center is also in the design and implementation of mobile solutions. provides the successful long-term archive storage of silent cubes FAST LTA before, the in between in over 1200 installations reliability prove.

Northeastern Territory

Emphasizing the tropical culture for fruits, olerceas and sugar cane-of-sugar, that one strong extension of the production has and an increase in the expressive exporting sector of fruits, fine wines. In this direction, it is equivalent to consider that these potentialities add values for the region. In the evolution of the industry of laticnios, for the dynamism and in the variety of the economic base, urban place of segments for industry and services. Being sources of wealth of mineral, vegetal and animal origin. As the industries of ovino-goat culture, piscicultura, irrigated fruticultura, olericultura, vinicultura, the artesanato, prospering in the good initial base of cooperatives and associations of the Region of Half-Barren. Diamonds is likely to agree.

In accordance with Andrade, on advent of the new territorialities affirms. The formation of a territory of to the people who in it inhabit the conscience of its participation, provoking the feeling of the territoriality that, of subjective form, creates a conscience of confraternizao between the same ones. (ANDRADE, 1998.p.214) Ahead of this scene, the biggest potentiality that it deserves more investments is without a doubt the Tourism. Visa because, it is a economic option that develops an enormous variety of segments, as: the visits the archaeological and areas of cultural preservation, religious, scientific small farms, agroturismo, ecoturismo, in the tourism of porting adventures and, especially volvidos for the practical one of the tourism in the agricultural way. Recognizing Half-Barren Northeastern, in the assimilation of these tourist enchantments, discovering the cultural identity of the man of the field in the revalorizao of the free fairs, where the artesanato and the proper local culinria will serve as incentive cultural and economic. Allowing the autoconfiana of sertanejo, for the social ascension through the increase in the local economic production. In accordance with SAINTS, through the return of the territory, guarantee. It is from this reality that we find in the territory, today, new clippings, beyond the old category region; this is a result of the new construction of the space and the new functioning of the territory, through what I am calling horizontalidades and uprights.

Speed Drive

Self-locking, non-magnetic and easy to integrate: Piezobasierter PILine linear actuator of physics instruments (PI) at linear direct drives compared to rotating electric motors offer advantages straight movements in automation technology, since in the latter case, the thrust over a spindle must be implemented in a translational motion. The missing self-locking of conventional linear motors and the resulting holding flows associated with warming, high energy consumption and position trembling”are often undesirable. Here piezobasierte linear actuators remedy. Specifically with regard to the requirements of modern automation technology, physics has instruments (PI), Karlsruhe, now a scalable piezobasierten linear actuator (picture) in the program, which is suitable with uploads to 10 N, speeds up to 0.5 m/s and travels in the range of several 10 mm for many applications. An piezoceramic actuator oscillating at ultrasonic frequencies is biased against a linear led bar. The actuator vibration profile then create the forward and backward movement of the drive. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Jeffrey Hayzlett. Due to the preloading of ceramics on the bar this is held normally at idle in his position. Differently than electromagnetic linear motors needs the piezobasierte drive to no energy, there is no heat and the position is kept stable.

In positioning mode of piezobasierte linear actuator achieves an accuracy of 10 m with an optical linear encoder. In addition, no interfering magnetic fields arise from the piezoceramic actuator unlike electromagnetic linear actuators during operation. Chevron U.S.A. Inc has plenty of information regarding this issue. Fit to the piezobasierten linear actuator there is an also industry meet designed controller, where the driver electronics for generating the ultrasonic vibrations is already integrated. This is a price attractive linear drive system available, which can be integrated on top of that just in the application. The width of 100 mm and 160 mm-long map of Europe of the controller you can control optional via RS232 interface, CAN, or analog input, E.g.

for Speed control or the external control via a joystick. The 32-pin connector connects the panel mounting simply through adapter modules and screw terminals. In the last four decades, PI with headquarters in Karlsruhe has become the leading manufacturer of Nanopositioniertechnik. As a privately held company with healthy growth, over 500 employees worldwide and PI can fulfill almost every request from the innovative precision positioning technology sector a flexible, vertically integrated organization. All key technologies are developed in-house. Thus each phase can be controlled from design to delivery: the precision mechanics and electronics as well as the position sensors and the piezo ceramics / actuators. The latter are produced by a subsidiary of PI ceramic. PI with its own sales and service branches is represented in all major markets. Also maintains the company test equipment for nanometrology on three continents. PI Shanghai and United States have Moreover, development and manufacturing capabilities, which allow a quick response to customer-specific requirements on the spot.