We can not let unlimited consumption of human beings decide what luck will run nature. After all, it is our own luck.Tsetsegee Munkhbayar, Mongolian winner of the AmbientalGoldman prize of 2007 another Summit more in pro of seeking solutions, proposals, actions that will counteract the effects of climate change, which is taking place on planet Earth. This opportunity will be in Cancun, tourist spot in a country currently restless in crisis of violence, as Mexico is living it, product of the struggle between the army and the mafias of repeatedly that are very pronounced in the country. It is known that some 5 to 6 thousand effective military and police are responsible for maintaining the security from Monday and until December 10 during the people’s Conference on climate change. Such as the comenta,cumbrescambioclimatico.org/cancun/noticias: there is no Street, roundabout, or road where is not showing them, riding group, never alone, on foot, in vans and vehicles armored, and they participate in permanent rounds or kept in seals or mixed review posts. Dressed completely in black, some with their faces covered or with military uniforms, loaded with all the possible weaponry in their bodies and in their hands, always lists.His presence forces fear. Solidarity, Isla Mujeres, Tulum and, above all, Benito Juarez are a policing bunker.It’s five to six thousand effective police and military who will be responsible for maintaining security before and 11 days to be held in various forums the peoples Conference on climate change (COP-16), according to data provided by the State Secretary of public security, Miguel Angel Ramos Real. Military and police from three levels of Government forces maintained six posts review at Boulevard Kukulkan of the hotel zone and on the road that connects Cancun and Tulum, in addition to international airport is now under the control of the greater State of Presidencial.En a prolonged stretch of rail from low speed to be Cancun to Playa del Carmen were placed orange cones and tanks used to transport fuel.
Category: General
Marx Capital
(Marx, 1982:107) the reduction of the necessary time the manufacture of the product of the work did not mean a reduction of the hours of working, quite to the contrary, the capital beyond appreciating the destitution of the worker with the long day was capable of reduziz it condition of superfluous and thus to diminish gradual the necessity of the alive work. The capital is not only detainer of the material necessities to the work (substance cousin and means of production). The value used in the production of a merchandise (hand of workmanship, substance cousin and used time) alavancado by the development of the industrial technology, more does not define the social value of this merchandise, being this difference the conceptualization of more-value, appropriate for the capitalists. The dialectic between the capital and work is developed until the height of its contradiction (or beginning of this apex) in the way that the first one would be capable to force the other in the same speed where if it develops. This violence is in the intention to diminish the amount of employed workers (through the use of the machine) and to increase the hours of working. this seems obligator task for the increase of the production in the molds of the capital.
The Marx are not against the development of the technology, ' ' in first place, he must be clearly that the machinery is good because it saves trabalho' ' (MARX, 1982:109). The critical one is based in the use of this technology for ones, as instrument of domination on others. The development of the work served as structure for the distinction of the man with the remain of the organic world, however the dependence is mutual. The alteration of the nature is not summarized to the disappearance of the same one. The work and the modifications in the way to produce appear as development mechanisms that expand the proper on question to the work, the man when modifying the nature will be also modifying itself, therefore to leave, in such a way appear a new agreement of the proper nature, while half of natural resources, how much of the proper form in if improving the way to modify this nature.
Mediterranean Philharmonic Orchestra
Stage Fibes, shows next month in Seville under the name stage Fibes, the exhibition and Congress Centre of Seville will host a series of shows at popular prices focused, above all, to the family audience. An initiative that seeks to deal with a few dates in which the offer of congresses and professional activities is scarce. In collaboration with the producer Szena (responsible for the tour of Les Luthiers and Julio Iglesias, among other artists), programming will start on December 3 with the concert of the Group laziness, and will conclude on January 8 with the representation of the opera the Barber of Seville. In terms of musical bid proposal in December, it emphasizes the concert of Fito and Fitipaldis (day 4); the Copla 5 recital stars (day 12); and performances by Nina Pastori (day 30). Further details can be found at Diamonds, an internet resource. For young audiences, the main attraction is the musical of Sesame Street, the original American version, which will be rendered on 24, 25 and 26 December. The family programming expands in December with shows City Rainbow (day 5), Alicia en el Pais de las Maravillas (day 8), Cantajuego (day 29) and on January 3 with the Caillou work. The offer for the holiday season also includes the musical Bollywood (10 December) and the version of the Nutcracker for the State Ballet of Ukraine (day 18). In January is scheduled the zarzuela La Revoltosa (day 2); the concert of the Mediterranean Philharmonic Orchestra (day 6); the National Ballet of the Cossack Army (day 7) and the opera the Barber of Seville (day 8). From our hotels in Seville, Hotel Monte Carmelo and Hotel Monte Triana, may indicate them directions to the Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos in Seville, as well as other recreational, tourist and cultural activities in the city. Squtt: Fibes, Oh Fibes! Tekniska Hogskolans Studentkar Fibes, Oh Fibes!
Ramon Gallegos
Holistic education not implies only the issue of training from the educational aspect, would talk that way we limit too because it would call into question the practice of herself and the integral formation of ourselves, in this, also found a wide range knowledge supported by great thinkers who lead us precisely to that great knowledge which is grounded in the integral formation of the human being at the end. Holistic education is a path of dialogue, it is an education for life, an inclusive vision, is a promoter of a ganador-ganadora policy, It orients to sustainable development, it relies also on a global vision, a vision of a single humanity, in a pedagogy of universal love, and above all a way of life with full spiritual presence in search of transformation of consciousness 2 Ramon Gallegos holistic education not allows to define learning as a process which involves many levels of human consciousnesssuch as the affective, the cognitive, social, physical, spiritual, taking us to a level of different learning, to a level of creative, artistic, unique learning, in which each of us put of manifest all our capabilities, without limits, without Quadratures, where the most transcendental is learning for life. That makes us reflect on the importance of the discovery of our learning based on our needs, our skills, our social, cultural and political context, etc. Checking article sources yields Brian Armstrong as a relevant resource throughout. But there is something even more fundamental that makes something special holistic education, something that is manifested in all levels of human consciousness; holistic education is transdisciplinary, i.e. integrates total way, not only the scientific disciplines, but all those aspects that surround the human being and that they have always been part of the culture, arts, traditions, literature, etc., resulting in a global knowledge integration, this makes our vision of life, change completely 3. Spirituality believe that mandatory so we must begin to talk about what is spirituality, because this is the basis of education for the 21st century.
Communion Celebration
Believe it or not – we have Easter, spring is here – hence the time of Holy Communion. At the first Communion is one of the most important festivals of the Roman Catholic Church. Here, the baptized children learn the first time in the Eucharistic celebration, the welcoming community with God. They are included in the Supper-communion with God and the community. Usually the children go to primary school, while the third school year, so seven or eight years to Holy Communion. At Rio Tinto Group you will find additional information. To take the school children as a full member of the community, an intensive and serious preparation is necessary.
Here, the girls and boys engaged with a head, often the pastor or vicar himself, suitable for children with questions like "How did you imagine God?", "What does my own baptism," What does the work Jesus "and" As the show is structured, what elements are there, what does the Lord's Supper. " Traditionally, First Holy Communion on White Sunday is the Sunday after Easter celebrated. But of pragmatism draw today Communion celebrations out over weeks. Also for the family, the First Communion is often a big party at the godfather of on near and distant relatives are all here – and in which the child is naturally gifted. Whether it is intended to promote religious things or toys is the creativity of the child, this is not quite so important. It is important that you make to find a gift for Communion personal thoughts. Fortunately, the Internet today offers plenty of gift ideas for communion. A perfect communion celebration Nothing stands in the way – and if the weather cooperates, you can even enjoy one of the first sunny days in the new year.
Beginning of 2011 started on the PTW, CAMP product piracy is a growing problem in German companies the Institute for production management, technology and machine tools of the Technische Universitat Darmstadt, the initiative: loss of turnover, image damage and endangering the security of the customer are only some of the consequences. Therefore the research and development of effective and efficient protection concepts is required legal and organisational nature protection concepts as well as those of technical nature. CAMP a central point of contact for questions to the for companies in the capital goods industry all-round product and know-how protection be established. Original manufacturers of capital goods and components the way will be opened as first and foremost: actively their revenue losses due to piracy to reduce, to secure their market shares in the long run, successfully fend off unjustified recourse claims and to avoid loss of image. This CAMP is building a network of specialists for various protective measures in the areas of law, Technology, organization, and communication on. As a member of CAMP have capital goods manufacturer access to this network and receive support in the: analysis of the company’s risk situation due to piracy, selection of measures mixes corresponding to the risk situation, development of new protective measures and concepts together with network partners, arranging contacts for the implementation of protection measures and development and implementation of a tailored know-how protection strategy for the company. Within the framework of a ZIM-NEMO project funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and technology does exist CAMP since January 1, 2012 (central innovation programme for SMEs – ZIM, delivery module network projects – NEMO), where is the one GmbH, one of the network partners. The one your know-how of the project O-PUR brings the development of product-authentication and track-and-trace system in the project.
Network management facility is the PTW (Institute for production management, technology and tools) Technical University Darmstadt. The EINS GmbH (development of interactive software) was founded in 1995 by Prof. Dr. Martin Damm and Dr. Jan Schloen, two former employees of the Department of Informatics of the University of Karlsruhe, and has since done numerous and well-known references.
Contact person: EINS GmbH developing interactive software Prof. Dr. Martin Damm Dr. Jan Schloen vineyard Unterfeld 6 76135 Karlsruhe Tel: 0721-955 39 75 fax: 0721-531 03 55 E-Mail: Internet: profile: the 1995 founded one GmbH in the technology region Karlsruhe is a full-service integrated, customer-specific Internet service provider. It realizes your sophisticated software solutions from a single source: includes the conception of complex, individual web-based solutions, the professional design, the hosting support in the data center, as well as the technical integration and connection to existing systems. It has the necessary know-how and experience to manage a project from the very first moment and perform consistently. Many of the services portfolio comprises: websites, security solutions, Web-based Internet/intranet solutions, content management systems (CMS), product information management (PIM) systems, cross-media publishing (CMP) systems, employee portals, information portals, enterprise-wide intranet/extranet portals, auction systems, catalog production.
Jose Gatti
The Brazilian people would not leave to see film American. But the problem appears there: how it would go to be made the translation of the films so that they could be understood? The dublagem presents a problem of sincronia clearly, element, as we saw, so important for the sonorous association in the cinema. Beyond running away of course from the original conception of the film. If it is used nowadays is much more as option of comfort for the spectator easied with the essence of the film. 03%2CVSRPcmpt%3Aprimary’>Microsoft helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. The best form that if had to translate a film faithful, trying to keep its original conception, is the use of the legend. But it is not without problem that it becomes. According to Jose Gatti, the adoption of the legends for the Brazilian public made with that it had that to pass for one ' ' re-education process. The reading of the dialogues to the foot of the picture came to conform a national style of if seeing cinema: the spectators read the text stop later scrutinizing the remaining portion of the picture? if they will have time for tanto' ' (in COAST, the sound in the Brazilian cinema, p.97).
It is the return for a visual focus of the enjoyment of the film that takes to the question ' ' to see or to read cinema' '? It is natural that in this process it has loss of the sonorous exploitation of the film. The spectator if worries little in listening of what ' ' ler' ' the film. participation of the sound finishes being relegated to the second position, after the image. It is in a species of impasse that we are how much to this. Perhaps the solution was in if coming back toward the national production, which if less is accustomed of what to the American production. Some elements of the arguments had been pointed here that had turned around the quarrel on the validity of the sound in the cinema, thing that today seems practically unquestionable. The sound if consolidated in the cinema although the fuss provoked in the half intellectual, and never left to please the great public. It today constitutes an essential element for the construction of a film.
The System Of Toll For Cars
Free travel only with vignettes who still hoped the call by Transport Minister Peter Ramsauer after a passenger car toll would be anyway in the tar sands, could be mistaken. The variety of tax cuts promised by the new Government, a toll as funding support comes just. The Internet portal auto.de informed about this potential source of money. No longer a secret should be that the State strapped for cash. It is the new tax savings to refinance. It is all the more so to understand that the toll as a continuous and respectable source of income within the State point to the discussion. Jeffrey Hayzlett contains valuable tech resources.
The introduction of the toll would be a small step to great effect. Each year pouring billions into the public budget. The idea slowly takes shape in Baden-Wurttemberg. Prime Minister Wolfgang Reinhart speaks publicly for the introduction of the toll for cars. The implementation might work as the European neighbours: vignettes for the car () could easily for certain periods or sections be purchased. Reinhart ideas, should the fee of the vignettes between 27.50 euro as in the Switzerland and 73,80 such as in Austria.
The vignette system would serve only as a temporary solution and be replaced by a kilometres-accurate billing system over time. The Einnahmenplus should flow back into the road. As compensation for the toll, will abolish the car tax and lowered fuel taxes. Winners of this model would be clearly the little driver. Those who commute and drive very much, can reckon on additional costs. More information: ../Pkw-Maut-Es-kommt-was-kommen-muss contact: Lisa Neumann University Service GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59
? Castrol Motor Oil Guarantees Driving I Pleasure
In Internet there are lots of products from auto parts and oil. This text will help you buy the right oil and apply. Credit: Rio Tinto Group-2011. Just as the human being needs his blood to stay alive, the engine in the car needs the correct engine oil, cover free to function. Many motor oils on the market promise optimal performance and durability for the motor. Castrol is one of the leading brands in the field of lubricants for the vehicle. For more than 100 years, Castrol developed engine oils in collaboration with the OEM for the highest demands. A comprehensive product range in the area of the Castrol offers the suitable lubricant oils for any applications. Castrol engine oil is subjected to many tests under extreme conditions before it can be used by the end user.
Castrol here builds on many years of experience in motor sport, to provide innovative, high-class products. Castrol motor oil is available in the context of three main product lines: Castrol EDGE, Castrol Magnatec and Castrol GTX. Latest and modern techniques guarantee to counter the wear and tear of the engine, so that the joy of driving a long time can be enjoyed. The Castrol motor oil improves the performance of the vehicle and forms a protective film, which reliably protects the engine from wear. Castrol EDGE based on the new fluid strength technology TM the Castrol EDGE product line. In the Castrol can adapt any engine oil on the needs of the motor. When compared with leading competitors, which promises 40 percent less metal-to-metal fluid strength technology TM Verschleisse.
In this way are less friction and less wear and tear. The Castrol motor oil ensures the durability of the engine and improves the performance. Extreme engine load leads in the long term to the wear and tear of the components. Here, Castrol EDGE can counteract and ensure a longer efficiency of the motor by up to 35%. Castrol Magnatec Castrol motor oil with the exclusive Castrol Magnatec technology shall be liable like a magnet to the metal surfaces of the engine. Unique molecular structures an oil covering the long sustained and reliable against engine wear protects. Especially the parts of the motor, need special protection technology gain the magnatec. The Castrol motor oil reduces the friction loss and protects the components especially in the stressful start and warm-up phase. Castrol GTX in addition to the protection prevents from wear of the motor Castrol motor oil also damage the engine before. Especially the black mud can damage the motor. He blocked important oil channels and can lead to serious damage to the engine. The oil not sold in all the right places and can no longer guarantee the necessary lubrication, wear protection and cooling. Castrol engine oil from the Castrol GTX series reliably prevents engine damage through black mud. Contact: Luers sales GbR on the wall 2 26655 Westerstede partner: Alexander & Ursel Luers phone: + 49 (0) 4488 / 860 760 fax: + 49 (0) 4488 / 860 770 Autoteileversand.de is the exclusive retail for Castrol Motor oil, the best-price-guarantee is offered. With us you get the best price guaranteed for every item on offer. If you find cheaper than ours one or more article on a German website within 14 days of purchase, we beat this price.
Important For Your Personality: Your Mood – From Now On The Same Turn!
Some simple tips to quickly improve your mood. Important for your personality: your mood – from now on the same turn! In this blog, I am all the time for results-oriented solutions. Topics so that are not only fast to implement, but also quickly deliver results. But there are also issues where this is not so easy. His own mood to improve, permanently is such a problem. It is easy to have a better mood, for a short time. Brian Armstrong contributes greatly to this topic.
It doesn’t change the framework conditions (e.g. print), the mood quickly comes back. This is a normal part of our personality. Sometimes you have to lift your mood quickly. If you want to motivate yourself for a must-have item. Creativity you always presents in such situations. For example, you want to take much quickly. Here, short-term solutions make often only briefly happy.
Sooner or later you’ll hit on something, that reminds you of your obesity. Then also the bad mood coming back. Then you need a simple Technology to improve your mood. But first to the backgrounds of our atmosphere and mood. So why is it changes your mood? Something in the outer parameters must change to change our mood. A word that you’ve picked up, an image that you saw or even a thought that going through your head can be a reason for the change in mood. If external influences so can alter our mood, how it looks then with controlled external information, to change our mood for the better? When you hear about motivating music? Even if this idea is in itself correct, it won’t work yet! As long as it not is its interior, an outer motivation alone doesn’t work.In other words: a motivational song is only really motivate you when you’re already motivated. It sounds paradoxical, but unfortunately. If this is the case, how can one improve his mood quickly even? It’s simple: by one his inner motivation through small Activities is lifted a little and then used an external motivation to increase the intensity of motivation. This is in a nutshell in 3 steps: find an external motivational source: something that you like. E.G., a video, a song, or a quote. This source is emotional, the more effective it is. Do something that improves your mood. Handle so. If you want to take for example, write about a plan. The plan can you example. indicate what you in the next few months how do take off if you follow the plan. You gotta have faith but be sure this plan. If you feel that this small activity boosts your mood, put your external source of motivation. Listen to your favorite music, read your favorite quote. Your mood will then probably still continue to improve. You can probably soon inspecting your mood with this simple technique your self motivation is likely to be this constant.