Brazilian Oswald

The maranhense poet was studying right in Portugal when he wrote the poem, thus reflecting the feeling of homesickness and patriotism. As form of dither of the nature, Gonalves days uses terms that state the grandiosidade and beauty of Brazil, it uses the term ' ' palmeiras' ' , an imponent tree and also wealth symbol; ' ' sabi' ' , a bird that possesss one I sing beauty. The native land is seen with an exaggerated look, proud, therefore the poem is structuralized in contrasting the landscape of Brazil with the one of the exile (Portugal). (YOU MARK, 2003, P. 79-93). 2.2. ' ' I sing of return to ptria' ' of Oswald de Andrade the poem ' ' I sing of return to ptria' ' it was written by the poet, dramaturgo and ensasta Brazilian Oswald of Andrade in 1924, first published in the magazine ' ' Wood; '.

The poet was pertaining to the first modernista generation of Brazilian literature, was an exponent and producing of the week of modern art of So Paulo in 1922, it was considered the rebellious writer of that time. As other poets of the modernismo, Oswald de Andrade looked for to write with the espontaneidade of the language, and simplified vocabulary, breaching of time and making hard critical to the searched carefully language of the parnasiana school. (FARACO & MOURA, 1998, P. 253-263). Marcante characteristic of the modernismo was the critical ones to the traditionalism, the literary compositions of this period was irreverent, controversies, and possuam humorsticos tones. In the modernismo it also had, the incorporation of the gift, the progress, the machine, the new rhythm of the modern life in many literary creations of that time. The modernista poetry still nationalistic age, however, running away from imaginary the romantic one. The resource of the parody was used to criticize vises traditionalists of literature, as for example, the parnasiana poetry and the romantic poetry.