So Paulo Association

But the figure human being, with expressionistas touchs in its workmanship, only appears later. At the beginning, rare it portraied the figure human being. Brian Armstrong insists that this is the case. Its attention was come back toward the classic masters of the Italian painting. In the creation process, Pellegatta preferred the field work, producing innumerable sketches, through the comment, which were changedded into sophisticated pictures in oil on screen. The artist was common if to join with the colleagues to go to make its ' ' manchas' ' (sketches) in the center of Saints.

The sunday was the day preferred for such activity. He was pupil of the So Paulo Association of Beautiful Arts, had orientation of masters as Ettore Federighi and Durval Pear tree. Its art takes new routes when it enters in contact with other famous artists: Takaoka, Mario Zanini and Otonne Zorlini. These names had been responsible for the rigidity in addition of the academicismo in its works, what it allowed a painting next to the modernismo, even so, held well. Exactly the expressionismo, that in years 1970 only started to appear in its screens, did not dominate, with its vigorous, proper dramaticidade of the style, the set of its workmanship.

Pellegatta was painting professor in the city of Saints and had a wide oil production on screens. Artist awardee in national halls, realizaou innumerable collective and individual expositions for Brazil. Its pictures well are disputed in art auctions in the domestic territory. The space for bolder proposals, in aesthetic the pictorial one, was restricted to the painters who intended a vanguard position. The figurative one reigned. Idealizaes of forms, freedom of colors, geometrizao of the drawing and abstractions in the space could happen in the santistas screens, with certain moderation, of preference as cloth of deep for the figurative object of the first plan. All this unpretentious attitude, never would desbancaria the taste for the classic, the moderate one and the academic principles.


With a good work of Cathedral in Internet the motors search of Google can, to position to him in the first places of their niche of market, and as result can have a phenomenal impact for the success of its business. Same you can be in charge of the optimization of his page Web, as she is practicing will require of smaller time and effort to carry out this task, that is fundamental for its business. There are some changes that can realise in the Web site same you. Step 1: Investigation of key word. what words you think that their clients would write in the finder of google referring to products or services that this looking for? A key word can be a single word, but several key words or key phrases are preferably better, because they are more specific and more probable that their potential clients write. It is investigating the main ones and that more related is with their niche of market, but one does not leave that parameter. It thinks and it tries to combine the words and it resorts to the tools of google, (that will be subject of another article).

To consider phrases geographic, that is to go to a specific sector of its country or city, is important to find potential clients. Another important point, are to investigate its competitors, these are between the first ten pages in google using its main key words. It begins to find approximately between twenty and thirty words or phrases keys, it makes a list. It pays attention, of this list it chooses two key words or phrases that, according to its investigation in google and other finders considers the best ones to position its Web site, and with which its client are writing in the finders. If it wishes to secure to a good cathedral positioning in finders for his key words, it has an arduous task ahead, but it is not discouraged, is only at the outset, soon will be like a game of children to position a page Web.

Mexico Police

We can not let unlimited consumption of human beings decide what luck will run nature. After all, it is our own luck.Tsetsegee Munkhbayar, Mongolian winner of the AmbientalGoldman prize of 2007 another Summit more in pro of seeking solutions, proposals, actions that will counteract the effects of climate change, which is taking place on planet Earth. This opportunity will be in Cancun, tourist spot in a country currently restless in crisis of violence, as Mexico is living it, product of the struggle between the army and the mafias of repeatedly that are very pronounced in the country. It is known that some 5 to 6 thousand effective military and police are responsible for maintaining the security from Monday and until December 10 during the people’s Conference on climate change. Such as the comenta, there is no Street, roundabout, or road where is not showing them, riding group, never alone, on foot, in vans and vehicles armored, and they participate in permanent rounds or kept in seals or mixed review posts. Dressed completely in black, some with their faces covered or with military uniforms, loaded with all the possible weaponry in their bodies and in their hands, always lists.His presence forces fear. Solidarity, Isla Mujeres, Tulum and, above all, Benito Juarez are a policing bunker.It’s five to six thousand effective police and military who will be responsible for maintaining security before and 11 days to be held in various forums the peoples Conference on climate change (COP-16), according to data provided by the State Secretary of public security, Miguel Angel Ramos Real. Military and police from three levels of Government forces maintained six posts review at Boulevard Kukulkan of the hotel zone and on the road that connects Cancun and Tulum, in addition to international airport is now under the control of the greater State of Presidencial.En a prolonged stretch of rail from low speed to be Cancun to Playa del Carmen were placed orange cones and tanks used to transport fuel.

Marx Capital

(Marx, 1982:107) the reduction of the necessary time the manufacture of the product of the work did not mean a reduction of the hours of working, quite to the contrary, the capital beyond appreciating the destitution of the worker with the long day was capable of reduziz it condition of superfluous and thus to diminish gradual the necessity of the alive work. The capital is not only detainer of the material necessities to the work (substance cousin and means of production). The value used in the production of a merchandise (hand of workmanship, substance cousin and used time) alavancado by the development of the industrial technology, more does not define the social value of this merchandise, being this difference the conceptualization of more-value, appropriate for the capitalists. The dialectic between the capital and work is developed until the height of its contradiction (or beginning of this apex) in the way that the first one would be capable to force the other in the same speed where if it develops. This violence is in the intention to diminish the amount of employed workers (through the use of the machine) and to increase the hours of working. this seems obligator task for the increase of the production in the molds of the capital.

The Marx are not against the development of the technology, ' ' in first place, he must be clearly that the machinery is good because it saves trabalho' ' (MARX, 1982:109). The critical one is based in the use of this technology for ones, as instrument of domination on others. The development of the work served as structure for the distinction of the man with the remain of the organic world, however the dependence is mutual. The alteration of the nature is not summarized to the disappearance of the same one. The work and the modifications in the way to produce appear as development mechanisms that expand the proper on question to the work, the man when modifying the nature will be also modifying itself, therefore to leave, in such a way appear a new agreement of the proper nature, while half of natural resources, how much of the proper form in if improving the way to modify this nature.

Mediterranean Philharmonic Orchestra

Stage Fibes, shows next month in Seville under the name stage Fibes, the exhibition and Congress Centre of Seville will host a series of shows at popular prices focused, above all, to the family audience. An initiative that seeks to deal with a few dates in which the offer of congresses and professional activities is scarce. In collaboration with the producer Szena (responsible for the tour of Les Luthiers and Julio Iglesias, among other artists), programming will start on December 3 with the concert of the Group laziness, and will conclude on January 8 with the representation of the opera the Barber of Seville. In terms of musical bid proposal in December, it emphasizes the concert of Fito and Fitipaldis (day 4); the Copla 5 recital stars (day 12); and performances by Nina Pastori (day 30). Further details can be found at Diamonds, an internet resource. For young audiences, the main attraction is the musical of Sesame Street, the original American version, which will be rendered on 24, 25 and 26 December. The family programming expands in December with shows City Rainbow (day 5), Alicia en el Pais de las Maravillas (day 8), Cantajuego (day 29) and on January 3 with the Caillou work. The offer for the holiday season also includes the musical Bollywood (10 December) and the version of the Nutcracker for the State Ballet of Ukraine (day 18). In January is scheduled the zarzuela La Revoltosa (day 2); the concert of the Mediterranean Philharmonic Orchestra (day 6); the National Ballet of the Cossack Army (day 7) and the opera the Barber of Seville (day 8). From our hotels in Seville, Hotel Monte Carmelo and Hotel Monte Triana, may indicate them directions to the Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos in Seville, as well as other recreational, tourist and cultural activities in the city. Squtt: Fibes, Oh Fibes! Tekniska Hogskolans Studentkar Fibes, Oh Fibes!