Agricultural Engineering

' ' The crisis of the water had been projected for 2025, but it is if revealing agora' '. … ' ' With the sped up increase of the population and the urbanization, the quality problems water scarcity if have aggravated for the presence of residues, organic and toxic substances, and visor quality of air (Tundisi, 2008, p.25.). The set is the problem, that modifies the hidrolgicos cycles, getting worse the quality of life in certain regies' ' , it thinks the researcher, complementing: ' ' In certain regions, the water scarcity is so great, that it generates a crisis in the production of alimentos' ' , (Tundisi, 2008, p.25.), it explains, standing out that, in places as Brazil, Argentina, the United States, Australia and part of the Central Europe, such effect less will be felt. In contrast southwestern of Asia and Africa, where the food production extremely will be affected. Increasing the vulnerability of the countries of both the continents.

The amount of available hdricos resources and the food production they are directly on. According to data of the report of the FAO, 63% of the water consumed in the world are destined to agriculture, 21% to industrial sector and 10% to the domestic supplying. ' ' the world lives a global crisis, the availability of these eliminates very exceeds the multiple necessities human beings. However, to the end of century 21, the water petitions will have to reach the limit of the availability total' ' , it affirms Luiz Claude Coast, professor of the Department of Agricultural Engineering of the Federal University of Viosa (MG). ' ' In diverse parts of world, including certain regions Brazilian, demand of water for agriculture and for use I domesticate and industrial exceeds offers (Reviewed Heating global, 2008 p.25) Such situation goes to become still more serious, since factors exist that can influence directly, as the climatic alterations, the increase of the population, the changes of the use of the sun, the increasing demand of the society for water and the necessity to keep the flow of the rivers, for questions ecolgicas' ' , it complements the academic.

Armors Evaluation

Article bred to apartir of the work of conclusion of course for attainment of heading of Bachelor in Civil Engineering SUMMARY The pathology can be understood as the part of the engineering that studies the symptoms, the mechanisms, the causes and origins of the defects of the civil constructions, that is, is the study of the parts that compose the diagnosis of the problem. The present work has as objective to study theoretical beddings on the manifestation of the corrosion in armed concrete. Had the frequency with that it occurs and its harmful consequncias the structures, the corrosion of the armors can be considered the main pathological manifestation of the structure of armed concrete. Invariably, the corrosion can be verified when the layer of responsible concrete for the protection of the armors does not reach its objective. To increase the useful life of these structures, some traditional techniques are used to diagnosis the problem, as well as promoting the recovery of the same ones. Words – key: Diagnosis, armed Concrete, Corrosion of the armors.

Preparation of Professionals

' We know that the history of the representation of the figure human being if finds crossed by the act to know the universe for the proper man. In this direction, when reviewing our history, we see in them to identify and to understand the different cultural configurations, conformed for social, philosophical, religious and scientific perceptions. Underlying to the expressive manifestations of each culture, immersed projects in the percipient conscience that such citizens had produced on the world, meet the projections of the man. Thus, to if projecting, the man if launches to the adventure to conquer its place in mundo.' ' (Derdik, 1990) During all our history, the human body never left of being crossroads of cultural and social, animal and psychic events. The body is and it will always be a complex of symbols that goes exactly beyond itself. Thus being, ' ' the unit accomplishes of histories was the figure humana' ' (BAXANDALL, 1972), surely it exists on it, an undisputed inventory congregated during millenia, constituting a valuable patrimony to the History of the Art.

The study of models that still is obligator exercise for the preparation of professionals or fans whose intention is to represent the human being figurative, it so passed to be valued in the art of the conception (Raisonn) at the beginning of century XX, how much to the concretion of the workmanship in itself. According to Baxandall ' ' all drawn figure has the intention to represent algo' ' , then one became common, to place for sale, series Raisonn catalogue of famous artists. In the Renascentista period, the study of the ratios human beings, still according to BAXANDALL, he was sufficiently primary in relation to the mathematical rules already known by the traders. As the gold rule, for example. The study of the human model while it disciplines basic to the artistic formation it remains with high pedagogical and enterprising value for such percipient aptitudes.

European Tour

While it takes care of the press from the telephone of his house in Massachusetts (the United States), Lloyd Cole looks for hotels for its European tour. Tourne Spanish has given many headaches him: it saturated yesterday in Cartagena within the framework of the festival the Sea of Musics, tonight it arrives at Madrid, within the cycle the Summers of Villa, and will continue Thursday with an action in the Portaferrada Festival in Sant Feliu de Guxols, to culminate Friday in San Sebastin, within the programming of Jazzaldia. " He is really complicated to mount this. I must it do, because it is the unique form that I must to be profitable. I am trying that the boys of the band learn to make these things, but is no way. And that I say that, if they help me, in the tour them to them payment until tabaco" , the English musician comments, of 50 years. Source of the news: : " In the 80, you could make things ridculas"