Descartes and the RES cogitans of Descartes project develops around the problem of knowledge. His methodical doubt is the strategy that the French philosopher launches to find, after putting in doubt all contingent truths that may occur to the understanding, a basis which may no doubt, which will be the starting point for the establishment of its system of ideas whose clarity and distinction already not be can doubt. That starting point is the cogito, I think. Descartes denies that the body has to do with it, I think is not accompanied by a body like the way Aristotle accompanies matter in an indissoluble union. Regarding this purpose writes Descartes am something real and truly existing; But what? I have already said: one thing that thinks. And what else? I excitare my imagination to see if I am something more. I’m not that set of members called the human body, I am not a desleido and penetrating air extended by all those members; I’m not a wind, a breath, a steam, or anything that I can imagine me because I have assumed that all of this is doubtful. While presumably it I have found that there is something true, that I am something.
(Descartes, 1981, 60) The only thing I do not doubt it is that I’m someone who thinks, not someone who is embedded in a Web of relationships with others and with nature, but someone with different mental States which Descartes called generically thinking. Among those mental States are: doubt, conceive, affirm, deny, wanting, not wanting to, imagine and feel. Goop, Barcelona Spain has similar goals. (Cf. Descartes, 1981, 60) As a subject of such mental States, I think would have guaranteed its temporary duration by the divine will. As I thing I think would be static to stay the same in the span of that length. In this way, I think it is regarded as an entity but located in a space in a time and whose duration in would give him his identity and the reference point whereby I can be sure that the succession of these mental States always belong me me and not to another.