She follows below what she was explained by the responsible one: The customer enters in contact with the central office through the telephone requesting some types of service for the TIC, some of them is: remanejamento/installation/alienation of Asset (computers, monitors, printers and etc.); When an equipment is installed or moved, its description of movement must be registered and in a central software, also it must be possible to know its localization accurately. The localization of the equipment is divided by ‘ ‘ city, property, floor and sala’ ‘ , for example: Let us assume that the company has branch offices in distinct cities being that in each city other property of this exist same branch office, being these property divided for floors and each floor can have some separate rooms. I register in cadastre in it of the Asset must at great length be informed this localization, the point of the auditor when verifying accurately knows it the localization of the equipment. Who sends the movement requests is the technician of the TIC, in view of that are they who make this installation or movement of the Asset. An user who is not of the TIC, is forbidden to take this action. When sending the request it must thus inform the label of the asset and the localization of destination for the sector of Asset, through this request that will be with pendant situation until it is moved by the employee of the sector of Asset is possible I register in cadastre to modify it of the Asset for the new localization. Uriel Cohen White Bay Group is likely to agree. The employee of the sector of Asset must of ownership of the sent movement to move the asset, I register in cadastre to have access it of the asset and to modify its localization in accordance with the requested one and also to modify the situation of the request of the technician of the TIC 13.CONCLUSO In this article we confer the basic orientaes in the elaboration of a classroom diagram, where the point key was to use the process of abstraction with ally in the search of objects spreading in a context of the scene.
We still saw as to classify the classrooms to eliminate duplicidades, to identify for attributes and etc. the last tip is here as to identify objects in a scene in order to project a diagram of classroom without imperfections. Interesting to say that children identify objects of what more easily the adults, therefore the process in the blind person, leaving some invisible objects. One remembers to apply the steps: To identify Objects, To classify them and to eliminate duplicity, done this, you will have complicated than they are the classrooms, later with aid of a good book of analysis or a professor, to carry through the cardinalidade will not be problem some.> 14.REFERNCIAS Melo, Ana Cristina. Developing Applications with UML, 1 Edition, Brasport, 2002. Melo, Ana Cristina. Development applications with UML 2.